january | february
On-line předprodej na leden byl spuštěn 12. prosince ve 20:00. Pro zobrazení odpočtu do zahájení předprodeje na stránkách ticketportal.cz je třeba povolit soubory cookies.
Mon 06 19:30 Nitero
Tue 07 19:30 The Battle of Hernani
Wed 08 19:30 The Battle of Hernani
Thu 09 19:30 Nitero
Fri 10 19:30 Where's that Fish?
Sun 12 16:00 Pelech (in Anti.kvariát / guest / 7+)
Sun 12 19:30 The Elegance of the Molecule
Mon 13 19:30 The Absolute
Tue 14 19:30 Fiftyreserved
Wed 15 19:30 Resurrection
Wed 15 20:00 Kuš, svině! (in Anti.kvariát / guest )
Thu 16 19:30 The Seagull
Fri 17 19:30 Tomorrow, or Who Is a Gentleman Here
Sat 18 19:00 The Death of Stalin (in Mladá Boleslav / reserved)
Sun 19 16:00 Za dveřmi (in Anti.kvariát / guest /4+)
Sun 19 19:30 Right You Are (If You Think You Are)
Mon 20 19:30 The Elegance of the Moleculereserved
Mon 20 20:00 Večer jedna báseň (in Anti.kvariát / guest )
Tue 21 19:30 Guilt?
Wed 22 19:00 The Murder of Gonzago (in Nový Jičín)
Wed 22 19:30 Zpráva pro Minervu 2sold out
Thu 23 19:00 The Murder of Gonzago (in Prostějov)
Thu 23 19:30 Černo, víron-line booking  box office booking
Thu 23 20:00 The Liver (in Anti.kvariát)on-line booking  box office booking
Fri 24 19:00 Obludov (in Bludov)
Sun 26 16:00 O jako Otesánek (in Anti.kvariát / guest / 7+)on-line booking  box office booking
Sun 26 19:30 Ghostssold out
Mon 27 19:30 Fiftysold out
Mon 27 20:00 The Liver (in Anti.kvariát)sold out
Tue 28 19:00 Dorota Barová (in Anti.kvariát / guest)
Tue 28 19:30 The Death of Stalinsold out
Wed 29 19:30 Niterosold out
Thu 30 19:00 Right You Are (If You Think You Are) (in Jihlava)
Thu 30 19:30 Swing Cabinet
Fri 31 19:00 Right You Are (If You Think You Are) (in Pelhřimov)

Important! Unfortunately it is not possible to admit latecomers.
Tickets are no longer valid once the performance has started.